As of now, Dr. Carol Edwards has agreed to meet us on Thursday.
Dr. Edward is the Dean of the College of Visual and Preforming Arts. She has been at Tech for about 2 1/2 years. She is a huge advocate for the student and the programs within her college. She has fought for fundings for the Goin' Band's new uniforms and being the representation for the band in school meetings that previously excluded the band. (Bowl game legistics). She is also open to any student, on all academic levels. Saying that, she sits with the Goin' Band at football games. She is out with the students instead of in the press boxes with the other deans.
This is one lady I have a lot of respect for. She treats the student fairly and with respect.
Her website:
http://www.depts.ttu.edu/cvpa/facultystaff/Dean.aspI have also invited Brian Steele and Kathy Nordstrom. As of now, we are not sure if they will be joining us.
Brian Steele is the graduate dean.
http://www.depts.ttu.edu/cvpa/facultystaff/GraduateDean.aspKathy Nordstrom is the College Academic Advisor. Personally, she is somebody that has been very helpful when I am having issues with the College when someone "lower" on the totum pole couldn't help me.
Robert Henry: